Wednesday, December 31, 2014

I want to wish everyone a safe and happy New Year. I hope 2015 brings you prosperity.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

I would like to take this time to wish everyone that celebrates it, a Merry Christmas. I'm glad to be a part of your lives, even if it's just for an escape from reality with one of my books. I'm honored to have you as a reader, and I hope to continue on in the future.

Thank you,

Jim Bannon

Monday, November 24, 2014

Who out there is looking forward to Black Friday? I know my wife and I always go out and get some good deals. We will be shopping on Thanksgiving and Black Friday both. It is always fun to see how crazy some people get over some of the deals.

This year, I really don't have anything in mind to get, unlike years past. So I am going to just wing it and see what kind of deals are available.

Monday, November 3, 2014

With the weather getting colder, how many of you are ready for winter? I know I dread the cold, near zero, and sometimes sub zero temperatures.

How many of you are planning to write a novel for the month of November? I know I'm going to try to complete one that I started nearly 2 years ago. That's my goal for the month of November.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

I just saw a post on a fellow author's page about NaNoWriMo this month. I am going to get into that with my latest novel. I've got a good start at about 30,000 words so far. Maybe by the end of the month I can have the rough draft completed. Wish me luck. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

I want to personally say thanks to everyone that participated in the giveaway yesterday. I hope you enjoy reading "Cabin Honeymoon" and come back to check out my other books.

Friday, October 31, 2014

All day long, today, Halloween, I'm making my scary short story, "Cabin Honeymoon" available for free from Amazon. Please be advised that this is not for the faint of heart.

Amazon link: Cabin Honeymoon

Friday, October 24, 2014

Come over to my Facebook fan page and check out some promotions. And feel free to participate with some books of your own. Thanks in advance. Find the link below.

My Facebook fan page.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I want to personally thank everyone that participated in yesterday's "Kiss My Lips" cover reveal. It was my honor to host it for Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku. She was a gracious author, and helpful to me in setting up her cover reveal.

Thanks again, and please feel free to check on my blog in the future.

Authors, if you're in need of some type of promo similar to the one yesterday, feel free to contact me and we'll try to set something up.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Kiss My Lips - #CoverReveal by @StellaEA

Flirty & Feisty Romance Novels
Kiss My Lips
Holiday Series #1
Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku
Cover Reveal Tour
Oct 13 to Oct 28  2014
                                        Smouldering desire & red-hot passion under the stars

Title: Kiss My Lips
(Holiday Series #2) Will one kiss seal their love?
Author: Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku
Series: Holiday Series
Genre: Romance/Contemporary/Multicultural/Interracial
ISBN: 978-1502776549
Release Date: Wednesday 29th October 2014
Cover Artist: Love Bites And Silk
Add to Goodreads


Accepting Logan’s marriage proposal was the most exciting event of Lorna’s life. But deciding in what country to marry her fiancé proved to be more than a tearful ordeal. When Lorna’s dad announced unexpected news, the wedding wheels spun in a different direction.

With other family members stirring conflict, would there be a wedding? Or would their shared kiss deepen their desire?

Teaser 3

"You're easy to flirt with," Lorna replied, her eyes briefly hooded, "Which means you can get carried away when tempted by a wanton woman." Her polished fingernails raked his palms and his grip tightened around her wrists.
With one look over his shoulder to check there was no waiter nearby, he whispered, his gaze unflinching, "I'm clearly unable to resist your seductive charm, Lorna," he agreed, lifting one hand in surrender. "But no other woman, I repeat, no other woman comes close to igniting even a spark here," he pointed to his head first and then to the left side of his chest.
Underneath the table, Lorna ran her toes from his knee to his feet and back up to his knee again. "You're my aphrodisiac, Logan. Right now, all I can think about is being thrown across your bed and driven wild with desire," her eyes glazed over as she spoke. Knowing his head and heart were filled with reckless passion for her was comforting.
"If you continue to seduce me, Lorna, I won't stop until I make you mine...until you scream out my name in the throes of ecstasy. That's a promise."
"Your main course," the waiter called out.
Their hands fell apart as the waiter arranged two plates piled high with parpadelli in cream and rigatoni with gorgonzola. There was a separate bowl of mixed salad with goat cheese.
Her mouth watered. She swallowed and sipped from the glass of water.
"I wonder if he heard our lewd conversation," Logan worried, casting backward glances at the receding back of the waiter spotting dreadlocks.
"I was so out, I didn't see him approach. What a sneaky man," Lorna murmured, leaning across the table.
He chuckled, looking over her shoulder. "Don't complain, sweetheart. I warned you to behave, didn't I?" He swiped his tongue over his lips before tucking into his meal.

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Giveaway – How to enter

Leave a comment. Every reader who leaves a comment on the blog gets one free eBook of Stolen Valentine Kiss (Holiday Series # 1).

You get any other eBook from Flirty & Feisty Romance Novels.

LoiteringShadowsCover Image

Flirty & Feisty Romance 
Our to deliver an intensely emotional experience you'll never forget.

About the Author

Stella’s a fun loving mother of two, married to her very own gorgeous alpha male who satisfies her romantic appetite.

Writing romance novels is now her full time passion. In 2010, Stella created Flirty & Feisty Romance Novels laced with the right cocktail of blazing passion, intrigue & toe-curling romance set in fascinating Africa, enticing Europe and America. There are seven contemporary romance novels in the basket; Loitering Shadows, Stormy Defense, Beyond the Lady, The Gardener’s Ice Maiden, Sparkling Dawn, Husband to Rent, Stolen Valentine Kiss (Holiday Series #1).

My first historical romance is on my writing desk at the moment. In my leisure, I go swimming, reads romance novels, go to the Cinema and watch TV.
Flirty & Feisty Romance 
Our to deliver an intensely emotional experience you'll never forget.

Kiss My Lips is now available for pre-order, you will find the links below.
Out doing some mattress shopping. It's a nightmare out there. So many choices that it's tough to decide. We decided on a memory foam styled mattress. I hope it will be better than our old spring type mattress that is worn out.

Monday, September 29, 2014

With the new TV shows now starting to return, I'm going to have to decide which ones to watch, and which ones to avoid. I still need to get some writing done, as I want my newest novel completed this year. So I need to really budget my time spent doing other things.

In the mean time, since Halloween season is getting near, maybe a quick read short story would be something you're looking for. If so, I've got the perfect fix for a short read that is both scary, and thrilling. Check out Cabin Honeymoon, it's available from Amazon right now. Just don't read it in a quiet room in the middle of the night. It's really that scary.

The link is below, and thanks in advance!

Cabin Honeymoon at Amazon.

Friday, September 19, 2014

With summer starting to end, and fall fast approaching, I am really having a hard time sitting down to write. I feel like I need to get outside and enjoy some of the last nice days before it gets cold. What are your thoughts on motivation to write during this time of the year?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Some of my books are starting to sell a little bit better than they used to. Now I feel kind of guilty that I've not been writing lately. I need to get a lot of work done on my newest novel, if I'm going to complete it before the end of the year. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I've been laying the groundwork in my head for a Science Fiction trilogy. Actually, this is one I've been slow cooking in my brain for a few years now. It will be set about 5,000 years in the future. I'm designing things in my head that are so far ahead of our time that they won't be realized within my lifetime, at least that's my ultimate goal. So I hope the technology is not going to be out lived in a couple of decades. It's a daunting task to try to develop futuristic technology. Something that seems like it could or would be developed at a point in time far into the future.

Work is about to begin again on completing my current novel. I still hope to have it done by the end of the year. Then I will start to put together the new trilogy. I'm hoping to get the three books out in a reasonable amount of time. I'm not setting any goals for a time table, but I'd guess something like 5 years to get the trilogy out would be a good estimate.

Monday, September 8, 2014

It's hard to believe that it's been about a month since I've posted here. I've been too busy playing guitar lately to get back to writing. It's been a lot of fun to reconnect to the guitar, but time keeps on ticking away, and I need to get some writing accomplished. I'm going to make a concerted effort to put pen to paper, sort of speak, and get some progress in my current writing. I'd like to get it out this year.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

As another week comes to an end, I feel that I need to get back to writing. I've edited all that I can on my current W.I.P., so now it's time to finish the story. I figure about 35 to 40,000 words ought to do it. I hope I can get some serious writing in this week. I'd like to finish the rough draft in a few weeks. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My paperback is now available from Amazon as the 3rd edition. It should soon be available from most other retailers too, even if you have to special order it. Here is the link to it on Amazon, if you'd like to check it out.

World's End.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

I just approved the paperback proof for World's End. It should be available from Amazon within the next few hours.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Just got my new paperback proof for World's End in the mail today. I've still got to look it over really good before I approve it. If all goes well, it should be available to purchase once again this weekend.

I've been formatting my prequel series to possibly be released as paperbacks also. Not sure that they would sell really well being only about 110 to 181 pages long. What are your thoughts on that?

My current W.I.P. is still being read and edited to get ready to pick up the writing once again. It's not quite half way completed, so it will be a while before it gets to see the light of day.

Friday, July 25, 2014

I just ordered my paperback proof. If all goes well, World's End will once again be available in paperback.

I need to get back to editing my newest W.I.P. as soon as I can. I need to do a lot more writing on it, but I also need to get a bit of editing done in the process.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Reviewed my digital proof for the 3rd edition paperback of World's End. I had to fix a little problem, so it will be at least another day before it's going to be able to be released. As far as I know, even the 2nd edition paperback can't be bought while I'm updating it to the 3rd edition.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I forgot how much fun it was to produce a paperback version. I've updated my novel, World's End, and now it's been a headache to get the paperback properly formatted. I'm getting close, but it's not a picnic. I need to get that done so I can get back to my current W.I.P. novel.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

I'm making progress with the paperback version of World's End. It's a little more difficult to get the formatting just right for a paperback. I think I have it pretty close to how I want it to look.

Friday, July 18, 2014

I just uploaded the new 3rd edition of World's End to Amazon. It is now about 75,000 words, and has a new cover. Please look for it to go live in the next day or so. Thanks to everyone for their patience reading about this novel.

I also uploaded an update to Cabin Honeymoon, although it's just a small thing or two. Nothing new in the story, just some links at the end of it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I'm getting closer with the new edit for World's End. I only have one more chapter to go through, and then a good look over to make sure everything looks okay.

That is good news, since that means I can start to really work on my next novel, the pro football one. Still undecided on a title right now. But I did think of a good cover idea, which is a little early, the novel only has about 30,000 words, and it will likely be about 70,000 words. I hope I can get it done before football season starts.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Is everyone ready for the polar vortex again? I think it will be a welcome relief. I'd like to have a mild day to cut the grass.

Editing of World's End, and my newest W.I.P. is going pretty good. I still hope to have the 3rd edition of World's End up and live by the weekend.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

I got another 2 chapters re-edited for the 3rd edition of World's End. 4 more chapters to go. I'm shooting for getting them done this week sometime. I hope I can set it up to where it will be available for everyone who already has it to get the newer version.

Maybe some people that didn't like it before might like it with the more polished editing that I'm doing to it now.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

I just got another 1 star review for World's End. This one clearly could have been avoided. Why don't people look inside and read a little bit before they buy something. If they thought it was poorly written, they would have seen that in the free preview. I know I'm not the greatest writer in the world, but reading a small sample would have kept this person from buying it and giving me a dreaded bad review.

My takeaway from that is this, I need to get my 3rd edition finished and up soon. It will fix a lot of the bad writing, although not all of it. I'd need a professional editor to do that.

Thanks for reading my rant of the day.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Editing my newest novel is proving to be a lot more work than I originally thought. I wrote a good portion of it in present tense, and mixed in some past tense. The current edit is to make it all past tense, like my other books are, except my short story, "Cabin Honeymoon", it's in present tense.

At least when I get all of it edited into past tense, I will be caught up with it, and ready to continue writing the rest of it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Part of my 2014 goals has been finished with the release of "Fall Of An Empire". Now I am editing "World's End" to be released as a 3rd edition.

Another project that has been on hold for a while now, since 2012, is a professional football themed novel. I am now in the stage of reading it, and editing as I go, to get back into it. It's a little over 30,000 words, and probably needs another 40,000 words or so, to tell the story.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Today I find myself doing some final editing for the 3rd edition of World's End. It's been a long tedious process, but I feel I owe it to the readers to present the best novel I can. I hope it will be done before the end of the month.

I also find myself re-thinking the football novel I've been getting back into writing. I'm thinking about doing it as a first person story, and not my usual 3rd person style of writing.

What are your thoughts on the different writing styles?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Now that Fall Of An Empire is officially released, I need to work on other projects. Fall Of An Empire is the fourth story of my series, and not necessarily the last one. It is the last one for a while, that much I can say. It could be the last one period, only time will tell.

My next work is about a pro football quarterback trying to make a comeback after a few years of retirement. Currently, I'm about 30,000 words into it. All written in 2012, so I've got read it through to see where I need to pick it up at. I'm hoping for a release later this year.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Fall Of An Empire is now live on Amazon. Please let everyone know about it to help get the word out. Thanks, and here's the link.
I just uploaded Fall Of An Empire to Amazon today. I hope it will be ready for everyone to buy on the 1st, which is the day I wanted it to be available.

Indie authors don't get to pick a release date, so I hope it will have no problems being ready by the 1st.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

After the completion of Fall Of An Empire, I've decided to get back to the football novel I started in 2012. It's about 30,000 words, so it will take a while to finish the rough draft. I hope to finish that by sometime in August.

I had other ideas to work on, but that one seemed the most likely, since I have a great start to it already. No real title for it yet.

I'll keep everyone informed about the progress. Thanks for reading.
I just got Fall Of An Empire built into an E-Book. So it is officially ready for the July 1, 2014 release date. Please look for it on Amazon, and let me know if you like it or not. Thanks.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fall Of An Empire is slated to be released July 1st, 2014. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It will be the last one of this series for a while. Please look for it. I will post a reminder about it's release when it's live on Amazon.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

I've been busy working on my newest book. It's the fourth one in my new series. It's called, "Fall Of An Empire", and instead of a short story, this one will be a novella. It's sitting at about 38,000 words, compared to the 20,000 or so of the other three in the series.

I hope to get it released sometime in June, 2014. It will be the last one in the series for a while. I've got some other projects I'd like to complete before I think about doing more in the Assassin Chronicles series.

Thank you for reading, and keep this page in mind for future release news.